Monday, April 6, 2015

Who Am I?

Dear Reader:
We've all gone through that moment in life where we wonder, who we are and what are we here for.
 It's for sure I don't know the answer but I'm searching as well.

"I know who I am. I am not perfect. I'm not the most 
beautiful woman in the world. But I'm one of them."
                                                               -Mary J. Blige

We get asked this question a lot, but we never answer in the right way.
We say our name, our age and where we're from. But, we never really reveal our identity.

The thing is....
Do we really have an identity?

Who am I?

I am strong, I am tough but weak at the same time. I am a teenager going through life wondering what is everything. I have many questions left unanswered knowing that life will give me the them while I go through it.
I'm in love with everything. I find the world to be the most mesmerizing thing ever created. I am friendly and love to be with people. I have this odd passion of learning from others experiences. I am cheerful for the good things and a downer for the bad. I am an old soul in a contemporary world. I am growing as a human. I am humanitarian meaning I love people and helping is what I feel i'm in this world for. I am passionate with things that link to a special moment in my life. I am happy  and if I don't find myself being happy, I'll make myself happy. I am a dreamer that wishes for many things in life, but I am oddly realistic as well and I don't allow myself to over dream. I am determined, if I want something, I will fight until the last minute to get it and, if I don't get it, I'll be satisfied knowing I fought and gave my everything for it. I am insecure, and you know what? That is a normal thing for girls my age. I am strong felt, which is simply that I have strong feelings for things and people and sometimes this makes things hard to let go. I am creative. I am different, I am thankful.And lastly; i'm just a girl, one of the many girls in this world trying really hard to fit in and be happy in my own skin. 

The thing is, we are not just our name or whatever is it we are told to be. We are experiences, feelings and moments.We are much more than what we allow ourselves to see or believe. We are unique, and that's the beauty of being yourself.

This is a letter to you from the bottom of my heart;
XO, Irene